Unable to mount flash drive on Xfce4 4.4

Kevin Fenzi kevin at tummy.com
Tue Jan 30 06:52:21 CET 2007

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 15:01:38 -0800
bjt23 at cornell.edu ("Brian J. Tarricone") wrote:

> Hash: RIPEMD160
> Matt Thompson wrote:
> > Folks, today I upgraded my Fedora Core 6 box to the latest Xfce4
> > 4.4 rpms on Extras (from the 4.4rc2 ones which were there, I
> > believe), and when I did it, I broke something.
> [...]
> > exo-mount: Cannot mount by HAL device UDI, because HAL support was 
> > disabled for this build
> > 
> > Can someone help me with what rpm I might be missing or which one I 
> > could report to Kevin Fenzi (the FC6 maintainer, I think)?
> Probably that error message will be enough to tell him...  Hint:
> "build libexo with HAL support".
> This is a fine example of "when you see an error message about
> something missing or disabled, go find or enable it".

Indeed. ;) 

I am looking at doing so now... 

> 	-brian
> P.S.  In the future, please report problems like this directly to the
> packager.  Usually they'll know what to do, and when they don't they
> can make the determination to come to us for help.  We barely have
> the time and resources to support the stuff we release officially on
> xfce.org, and zero time to support other people's packages.

Seconded. Please report problems with the Fedora Xfce packages via
bugzilla at http://bugzilla.redhat.com/ 

I am on this mailing list, but I'm not reading it as often as my
bugzilla email. ;) 

BTW, this bug has been reported twice there: 

I hope to push out a fixed package soon. 


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