mousepad future

Maximilian Schleiss maxschleiss at
Wed Jan 24 23:54:25 CET 2007

Nick Schermer wrote:
> I've created a patch to add support for aspell a some time ago. I
> don't think it still applies, but with some good will it won't be that
> hard.
Good will I had, and, yes, I had to search in the files that had changed 
a bit where the strings belong but it works :-) Mousepad does check the 
spelling of the words, thank you Nick.

Attached is the modified patch that works for the current svn version of 
mousepad. Yet, I translate to french and the speller defaults to english 
:-( I can look into files and see where strings belong but it is 
completely out of my competence to write the rest of the code to enable 
dictionary changing.

> Nick

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