Please reset my mail preferences !!

Stavros Giannouris stavrosg at
Wed Jan 24 15:54:36 CET 2007

Στις Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:44:09 -0500
Ο/Η "Marty Felker" <martyfelker at> έγραψε:

> HI!
>         Especially now with the release of Xfce 4.4 (are there distros
> that include it or is there an upgrade path?) I really need to set my
> mail to daily digest but don't know how!  I have completely forgotten
> my username and passwd.  My mail address however is the same -
> martyfelker at

Your username is the email address you recieve the messages.
Follow the link present in all the list emails footer, and can request a
password reminder email from there.

Stavros Giannouris                          Jabber: stavrosg at
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