Shading and unshading

Erik Harrison erikharrison at
Tue Jan 23 01:15:03 CET 2007

On 1/22/07, TerryJ <listmail at> wrote:
> I'm using the shade / unshade option which you get by clicking in the
> top left corner of a window.

For most WM themes, you can add a specific button to the border just
for shading.

> Before I arrived at that, I tried double-clicking the title bar but that
> does not work.  I cannot find any way to set that.  Is it possible.

In the Window Manager settings under Advanced, at the bottom

> I discovered an anomaly.  The default keybinding to shade is Alt+F9.
> The same keybinding does not unshade!? =-O

Works for me here.

> --
> Regards, TerryJ
> Using Xfce on PCLinuxOS.
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