XFCE 4.4 and Debian Etch?

Mişu Moldovan dumol at gnome.ro
Wed Jan 10 10:28:44 CET 2007

Richard Boyce wrote:
> Mişu Moldovan wrote:
>> Jesus might know better but from what I see, Debian etch hasn't been
>> released yet as Debian Stable and packages are updated at a rate
>> comparable to that of Debian Sid (unstable). They will probably include
>> the final release of Xfce 4.4 if it happens to come out in time for the
>> Etch release. Any Debian packagers around care to comment about that?
> Not a Debian developer, but I do know that etch has now been frozen 
> prior to its release, so only fixes for release-critical bugs will be 
> accepted. New releases generally won't be allowed in. Backports would 
> probably be your best bet.

Strange, I still see new releases coming in (not only the Debian suffix
version is incremented). From today's updates on a machine that was last
updated during the weekend (mozilla-mplayer is from "main"):

	mozilla-mplayer (3.21-1 => 3.31+main-1)

Sorry for getting more and more offtopic... Does anyone know better of
the fate of Xfce 4.4 packages in Debian Etch?



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