Xinerama - start apps on specific screen

Benjamin Winkel uzspde at
Sun Jan 7 10:53:48 CET 2007

Hi all,

on my Laptop I have configured an external Display using the ATI flgrx 
driver to have an extended Xinerama-like Desktop. All works fine (except 
for some ugly artefacts). But when I use the Laptop without the second 
Display I get the following problem: some apps 'remember' somehow on 
which screen they were last time. Starting such an app it eventually 
tries to get onto the external screen (which doesn't exist at that 
moment) though it seems to not reach it. The process is running, but 
there isn't any window e.g. in the pager.

Is there a possibility to add a command line parameter to specify on 
which screen an app should appear? If not, any other suggestions. A 
(silly) workaround would be to change the xorg.conf each time the 
display configuration is changed. But thats not my favorite option...



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