Xfce and web browsers

Erik Harrison erikharrison at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 05:11:50 CET 2007

On 1/6/07, TerryJ <listmail at exemail.com.au> wrote:
> I ran into an odd problem when I nominated Swiftfox as the preferred
> browser in Xfce.
> Whenever I clicked on a link in Thunderbird or the file browser
> (Thunar), which should have opened a new tab in the last active Swiftfox
> window, I was instead getting a new, empty Swiftfox window.
> To overcome the problem, I have nominated Mozilla Firefox as the
> preferred browser and altered "firefox" and "mozilla-firefox" in
> /usr/bin so that they refer to swiftfox.
> I should add that Xfce renders the swiftfox command as swiftfox "%s"  It
> adds the same strange suffix to thunderbird. Question

%s is the argument being passed. It's substituted.

You've upgraded to Firefox 2.0 (err, Swiftfox), which has as the
default behavior to open URLs in new tabs. Go to
Edit->Preferences->Tabs and say "New content should be opened in a new

> --
> Regards, TerryJ
> Using Xfce on PCLinuxOS. www.revivalcentres.org
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<@kazin> why does php have 'echo' and 'print'?  Do they do different things?
<Bluefoxicy> kazin:  echo prints in a big empty room

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