Default browser

Mathias Brodala info at
Fri Jan 5 23:35:49 CET 2007


wr35nn89, 05.01.2007 23:32:
> Mathias Brodala a écrit :
>> wr35nn89, 05.01.2007 23:07:
>>> when i read my mails in Icedove and i click on a http link, it launchs 
>>> epiphany (the internet navigator for gnome).
>>> I'd prefer firefox (not yet iceweasel...)..... (in my xfce settings, 
>>> it's firefox which is choosed...)
>>> what can i do ?
>> Set the protocol handler following this tutorial:
> thanks, it is working !
> The string contained "x-www-browser" .

And just in case you want to change the setting system-wide, you can do the
following as root:

# update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

Regards, Mathias


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