Annoying bug regarding active sticky windows in Xfwm4

Mişu Moldovan dumol at
Mon Feb 26 16:35:29 CET 2007

Mişu Moldovan wrote:
> În data de 25 Feb 2007 la 13:50:08 +0100 Olivier Fourdan a scris:
>> xfwm4 focuses a window when the application raises it (this was not the
>> case with xfwm4 4.2). If you enable focus stealing prevention, the
>> window will not be focused but will have the demand attention flag set.
>> You may try this?
> Yes, that certainly helps with Gaim in Xfce 4.4.0 on the Gentoo system.
> I'll let you know of any further irks as soon as I get back to work and
> get to use the new settings for a longer period of time.

OK, so after a few hours of usage I realize that the setup is still not
usable. The sticky Gaim window is not stealing focus anymore but it
stays on top and the fact that the windows below it have focus doesn't
really help. Any more ideas? I've disabled any Gaim plugin that has
anything to do with notifications.

More so, I think I can reproduce this problem with an xterm window with
default settings and focus stealing prevention (I've created a test user
just for this test case):

1) Open two windows (eg. two Thunar windows) in two workspaces of your

2) Open an xterm window in the first workspace and make it sticky. It is
the active window.

3) Make the Thunar window active in the first workspace, the xterm
becomes inactive and *below* the new active window.

4) Change to another workspace where you previously had an active
Thunar, xterm is inactive but over the active Thunar window (I don't
like this either). In that workspace make xterm active and then the
Thunar window active sending xterm below the new active window.

4) Change back to the previous workspace, xterm is inactive but *on top*
of the active Thunar window. Damn, it was supposed to be below...

I'll be happy to provide more info if needed, fill a bug report if
appropriate, test ideas and solutions etc. Unfortunately this is getting
in the way I've been working in X with various window managers
(including Xfwm4 4.2.x) for years, and although I've tried, I cannot
live without sticky windows.

Thank you,


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