Annoying bug regarding active sticky windows in Xfwm4

Mişu Moldovan dumol at
Sun Feb 25 16:10:33 CET 2007

În data de 25 Feb 2007 la 13:50:08 +0100 Olivier Fourdan a scris:
> xfwm4 focuses a window when the application raises it (this was not the
> case with xfwm4 4.2). If you enable focus stealing prevention, the
> window will not be focused but will have the demand attention flag set.
> You may try this?

Yes, that certainly helps with Gaim in Xfce 4.4.0 on the Gentoo system.
Unfortunately it doesn't on the RC2 version included with Debian Etch
which will become Debian stable (which is no biggie for me as I will
update Xfce in time to the latest stable version anyway with a
third-party repository or from sources).

However, I recall enabling focus stealing prevention out of curiosity
and then disabling it because of some unwanted side effects, something
to do with pop-ups, I think... I'll let you know of any further irks as
soon as I get back to work and get to use the new settings for a longer
period of time.

Olivier, thank you so much for the tips,


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