Blurry backgrounds

Henk Boom lunarc.lists at
Thu Feb 22 22:44:56 CET 2007

Hi, I've just started using xfce, and so far it's great.

There is one issue though, when I set my background using the desktop
settings, it appears slightly blurred, by about 1 pixel. Here is an
image showing my background image in GIMP as well as on the desktop.

The blurring is most noticeable on the inner edges of the logo. It's
not much, but it's just enough to be annoying. The image has the same
dimensions as my screen (1024x786), and I've set it to 'centered' just
in case it was doing some scaling for some reason. The image can be
found here:

What can I do to stop this from happening?

Thanks for reading,
        Henk Boom

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