some questions and some bugs(?) of release 4.4

Mike Massonnet mike.massonnet at
Thu Feb 22 19:12:11 CET 2007

On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 05:55:53PM +0200, Antonis Tsolomitis wrote:
> Hello. I have just installed 4.4 on a Mandriva 2007 box. It is a great 
> release! Congratulations to all!

Hi Antonis,

> I have a few questions I did not find in archives or googling.
> Q1.
> Since my laptop has a wide screen I like to have the panel on the left 
> so I can save some vertical space.
> Now on the panel I have some launchers with more than one application.
> The icon of the application 1 has a black arrow *under* it that opens 
> the drawer with application 2.
> Is it possible to put this arrow to the *right* of the icon instead 
> under it? It was possible in the past
> but not anymore. Maybe modifying a file by hand?

It's not possible.

> Q2.
> Can I have an application without decoration? For example I use xclock. 
> Can I have xclock without the window manager's decorations?

devilspie: find windows and perform actions on them

> Q3.
> I really like the iconify feature which has disappeared from all other 
> linux managers. Having the panel on the left of the screen it would be 
> nice to be possible to iconify the applications at the bottom of the screen
> or to the right of the screen. However, it only iconifies to the left of 
> the screen. Is this configurable?

Minimized applications on the desktop?  No.  They are stacked on the

> Q4.
> Icons after iconification of the applications do not move freely on the 
> desktop. It seems that there is some grid. Is it possible to refine the 
> grid's characteristics?


> Q5.
> I guess this one is some kind of bug: When I iconify my apps and logout 
> *saving* the session, when I log in again, some apps reappear (for 
> example thunar) but *not* iconified. Some others, like terminal,
> do not show up (iconified or not) but they are running and they can be 
> made to appear by selecting them from the middle click menu on the desktop.

Sounds tricky, please file a bug for it:

> Q6.
> A bug: the png file of the greek flag of the xkb package (from the 
> goodies) is corrupted.

It is now fixed in svn, you can download and copy the file from

> Thank you for including iconification in xfce. It is very nice (and 
> different from the Redmont approach).
> Antonis.

 Mike (m8t) Massonnet     __oo 
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