XFCE Menu/Appfinder -

Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Sat Feb 17 00:02:36 CET 2007

Erik Harrison wrote:
> On 2/16/07, Bob Goodwin <bobgoodwin at wildblue.net> wrote:
>> Niki Kovacs wrote:
>>> Bob Goodwin a écrit :
>>>>>> Terminal=false
>>>>> Change that to true.
>>>> Tried that, changed it again to  Terminal=true
>>>> but it still doesn't start.
>>> Hmmmm. Maybe:
>>> NoDisplay=true
>>> If this line is present, erase it or change the parameter to 'false'.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Niki Kovacs
>> No I don't have that line.
>> This is what it looks like now:
>> /usr/share/applications/iptraf.desktop
>> [Desktop Entry]
>> Version=
>> Encoding=UTF-8
>> Name=IPTraf
>> Comment=Network Monitor
>> Exec=/usr/bin/iptraf
>> Terminal=true
>> Type=Application
>> Icon=
>> Categories=GNOME;System;Network;
>> X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.10
> I'm not sure what is up off the top of my head, but the attached file
> works fine for me. Of course, I don't actually have iptraf installed,
> but it shows up in the menu and launches what I tell it to
> [Desktop Entry]
> Version=1.0
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Type=Application
> Name=IPTraf
> Comment=Network Monitor
> Categories=Application;Network
> Exec=/usr/bin/iptraf
> Icon=
> Terminal=true
> StartupNotify=true
I copy pasted the above, same result.  However I noticed my computer is 
bogging down a bit!

Top shows about twenty instances of iptraf running now!  Apparently it's 
working but not creating the display when I start if from Appfinder?

It's not that important, I'm satisfied just having it listed so I can 
find it.  It needs tp run from a terminal command line anyway.

Thanks for all the help.


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