ctrl-alt-right/left no longer wrap

TerryJ listmail at exemail.com.au
Thu Feb 15 06:38:18 CET 2007

Erik Harrison wrote:
> On 2/14/07, Grant Edwards <grante at visi.com> wrote:
> *snip*
>> Just for the sake of curiosity, does anybody know what the "Wrap
>> workspaces when the first or last workspace is reached" option
>> is for?
> So that mousewheeling over the empty desktop has the same behavior as the pager.
> That's an inconsistency that's hard to fix
>> --
>> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  My face is new, my
>>                                   at               license is expired, and I'm
>>                                visi.com            under a doctor's care!!!!
FWIW, I've achieved the same effect using that setting as I think others 
are getting with the other setting.  That is, I can CTRL+ALT+LEFT/RIGHT 
from one desktop to the next indefinitely - 1 > 2 >3 >4 >1 or t'other 
way around.


Regards, TerryJ

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