xfce desktop icons: single click possible?

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Fri Feb 9 09:18:22 CET 2007

Stephan Arts wrote:

>> I am in no way saying that one click is better, but if one click is an
>> option at any edge, why is it not useable as an option on the desktop?
> This answer i know. Basically, in 4.4 the desktop-icons are not yet
> handled by thunar completely, instead they are made by xfdesktop with
> the help of the thunar libs.
> This means that there are two different implementation at work. One
> supporting this feature and anotherone not doing this.
thank you very much for explanation.

So on the one side not all hope is lost, on the other side, imho there 
are more important things than click behaviour that make this desktop 

Thanks again

> Regards,
> Stephan
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