Matching windows to desktops

Erik Harrison erikharrison at
Tue Feb 6 00:55:30 CET 2007

On 2/5/07, TerryJ <listmail at> wrote:
> Erik Harrison wrote:
> > On 2/5/07, TerryJ <listmail at> wrote:
> >
> >> This was mentioned recently and someone mentioned devilspie.  I was
> >> unable to compile devilspie.  'make check' disagreed with the script.
> >>
> >> A new contender has emerged.  I stumbled across this announcement in the
> >> forum:
> >>
> >>
> >> I've got it installed (very easily) and working (again, very easily).
> >>
> >> Xfce needs something like this IMHO.
> >>
> >
> > Why when the third party app you just mentioned works fine?
> I spoke to soon.  It's easy enough to associate certain windows to
> desktops but, I've discovered, the window still appears on the active
> desktop.
> Silly me.  I had this notion that window manager was part of the desktop.

If you don't like Xfwm, the run a different one. I was asking a
legitimate question since you claimed the app fit your need. Since
you've (snarkily) claimed that the app is insufficient then replace
the app.

This list has been over and over and over and over this ground before.
This kind of functionality is not within Xfwm's design goals or
philosophy. In fact, a majority of WMs agree, so Olivier isn't on a
limb or anything. But a MAJOR design goal of all of Xfce is to make it
easy to replace it's components. So replace Xfwm with a window manager
that better meets your needs, and stop making snarky comments about
the work of volunteers.

> --
> Regards, TerryJ
> Using Xfce on PCLinuxOS.
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