Matching windows to desktops

TerryJ listmail at
Tue Feb 6 00:28:24 CET 2007

Erik Harrison wrote:
> On 2/5/07, TerryJ <listmail at> wrote:
>> This was mentioned recently and someone mentioned devilspie.  I was
>> unable to compile devilspie.  'make check' disagreed with the script.
>> A new contender has emerged.  I stumbled across this announcement in the
>> forum:
>> I've got it installed (very easily) and working (again, very easily).
>> Xfce needs something like this IMHO.
> Why when the third party app you just mentioned works fine?
I spoke to soon.  It's easy enough to associate certain windows to 
desktops but, I've discovered, the window still appears on the active 

Silly me.  I had this notion that window manager was part of the desktop.


Regards, TerryJ

Using Xfce on PCLinuxOS.

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