Fedora(rawhide) and XFCE 4.4 beta 2

Paul Reilly pmr at pajato.com
Thu Sep 28 21:41:32 CEST 2006

Kevin Fenzi wrote:

> Christoph has been working on the plugins, and I just imported all the
> src.rpms/rpms from him into my beta repo. ;)
> Can you try them out and let me know if you run into problems...

Looking real good so far.  Thanks for making this all stress-free.  I 
installed all the plugins, added a few plugins to a few panels and 
everything is working smoothly.

> In particular I would be very interested in any problems upgrading
> from the 4.3.2 packages to the 4.4rc1 ones.

I had removed all the 4.3.2 plugins so I can't vouch that that path is 
error free.


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