SLiM halt/reboot commands

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at
Tue Sep 26 11:39:45 CEST 2006

On 9/25/06, Erik Harrison <erikharrison at> wrote:
> Please keep this list on topic - man slim should answer your question.
> If you've installed SLiM via a OS package, you can view the raw troff
> at
> which is what I did, since I don't run SLiM, and it seems to answer
> your question.

It wasn't my intention to get off topic. I believe that a decent
dependency-less login manager is as pertinent to the Xfce mailing list as
any of the other goodies.

I'm not sure what an OS package is (google didn't help me much), but I built
SLiM from source and probably the man page didn't get into my paths.

If that doesn't work, the primary maintainer has a contact email
> address right in the README file (again, available via WebSVN as the
> manfile, in case you've installed from OS packages)

As for contacting the maintainer, for me this is usually a last-resort
measure, when lists, forums and google failed to help me.

Good luck.


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