SLiM halt/reboot commands

Erik Harrison erikharrison at
Mon Sep 25 22:25:25 CEST 2006

On 9/25/06, Liviu Andronic <landronimirc at> wrote:
> I am writing here, as I believe this is the only list where SLiM related
> questions might get answered.
> I have recently installed SLiM and it is a perfect alternative to XDM. Now,
> when editing the config file as indicated here, I noticed that there
> options like halt_cmd, reboot_cmd and
> console_cmd. I cannot understand when and especially *how*
> can these be triggered. At the login screen, I see no graphical buttons
> what-so-ever. I have tried all possible key-bindings
> (function keys and so on) and none worked.
> So, at the login screen, is it possible to trigger halt/reboot commands and
> how?

Please keep this list on topic - man slim should answer your question.
If you've installed SLiM via a OS package, you can view the raw troff
which is what I did, since I don't run SLiM, and it seems to answer
your question.

If that doesn't work, the primary maintainer has a contact email
address right in the README file (again, available via WebSVN as the
manfile, in case you've installed from OS packages)

Good luck.

> --
> Liviu
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