Finding apps problem.

ezzetabi ezzetabi at
Tue Sep 19 06:54:25 CEST 2006

Mike Massonnet wrote:
>   You can setup keyboard shortcuts in the Settings > Keyboard >
> Shortcuts.  Unfortunately there is no keyboard shortcut for the
> clipboard manager, but Unix has always had the best clipboard manager
> with the mouse, select -> middle click.  Do you already know gcolor2?
Actually it is Settings -> Window Manager -> Keyboard... I knew that. 
But I need to know the exact filename to start... And the clipboard 
manager does not seem to have one. This was the problem... :|

I knew the middle click wonders, but I'd like using the keyboard to call 
the clipboard manager just because... I'd like do not leave the keyboard 
everytime I need to select an old entry in the clip list.

About the color picker, I installed gcolor2, and thanks it works well. 
Yet... It sounds strange doing so since xfce does already have one: to 
see try, Settings -> Desktop -> First Color... It is not possible call 
it? After all I just need the 'color name' feature.


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