Desktop Icons

Keith Powell keith at
Thu Sep 14 23:15:02 CEST 2006

Olivier Fourdan wrote:
> Hi
> Keith Powell wrote:
>> Sorry if this is a very basic question, but I have only just started 
>> using xfce4. First impressions are that it is outstanding, and I would 
>> like to use it instead of KDE! However......
> Thanks!
>> The desktop icons are all just 'folders' and I would like to change them 
>> to the usual home, wastebin, etc, icons. Also, I would probably like to 
>> add a couple of new ones. But I can't find how to do it. I really have 
>> looked in the list and forum archives. Also, I have made a hard copy of 
>> all the manuals, but can't find the answer in there.
> These are available in 4.4 RC1, not before. As for documentation, some
> parts are totally outaded tthe main page still refers to Xfce 4.2)
>> Please could someone help? Even tell me where to look for the answer.
> Please try to upgrade to 4.4 RC1 if you can :)
> Cheers,
> Olivier.


Thank you all for your help. I really do appreciate it.

Olivier, it is 4.4RC1 which I am running. Of the three distros I use, 
only Mandriva has the latest version available. So I have installed it 
on a spare hard drive, along with a standard Mandriva KDE installation.

I have noted everyone's suggestions, and will work through them tomorrow.

However, I thought it may help if I explained exactly what I have on the 
xfce4 desktop, in case it gives anyone other ideas.

There are panels top and bottom.

On the desktop are five desktop shortcuts with grey icons.

Icon 1) Labelled Home.
Left double click: my home folder opens as normal.
Tooltip: Kind: folder. Date modified and size.

Icon 2) Labelled File System.
Left double click opens file system correctly from Root.
Tooltip: Kind: folder. Date modified and size.

Icon 3) Labelled Home.
Left double click gives an error message:
Failed to open URL "$HOME". The URL "$HOME" is not supported.
Tooltip: Kind: Desktop Configuration File. Date modified and size

Icon 4) Labelled Devices.
Left double click opens folder showing all the devices apparently 
correctly. I've not checked them yet.
Tooltip: Kind: desktop configuration file. Date modified and size.

Icon 5) Labelled Wastebin.
Error message:
Failed to open URL "TRASH:/". The URL "TRASH:/" is not supported
Tooltip: Kind: desktop configuration file.

It's the two with error messages and the second 'home' which I can't 
understand. Also, I can't find a way of changing the plain grey icons to 
the usual coloured ones which graphically indicate what they are. (A 
house for 'home', a wastebin for 'wastebin' and so on.)

Should I get the two with error messages working correctly (what do I 
do, please?). Or should I get rid of them off the desktop and replace 
them with others on the panels?

Sorry to prolong my first postings, but I really don't know what to do.

I'm what may be called "an advanced newbie"!

Many thanks for any more advice.



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