ANN: Notification-daemon-xfce 0.3.6 released

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at
Tue Oct 31 10:27:35 CET 2006

Mon, 30 Oct 2006 19:29:03 -0500 - JoeHill <joehill at> wrote :

> On Sun, 22 Oct 2006 21:03:36 +0200
> Nick Schermer got an infinite number of monkeys to type out:
> > Enjoy this release

Hi Joe,

> Okay, I finally got my devel libs sorted after much help from Charles
> (you rock Charles!), and got this baby to work :)
> Very cool. One problem. I'm completely *clued* as to how to set it
> up! :D
> Now, this 'notify-send' needs to be called by some other process
> which is watching for an 'event', no? A script in cron which says
> something like 'if <condition/event> fi notify-send <message>' etc.?
> Or am I running full tilt down the wrong path, as usual? ;)

  You are right.

> Can anyone give some examples of how they've used this, so I can get
> an idea how *I* can use it?

> Cheers all!

-- Mike Massonnet (mmassonnet)        _
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