How to make friends and influence people (was: Re: several defects and enhacement-wishes)

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Tue Oct 10 01:34:01 CEST 2006

On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 01:43 +0300, samo wrote:

> oh, if u don't want me to comment about maintenability/quality of 
> code, bad-practices etc, just say so. 

	Constructive comments are always welcome.  Code and/or explicit
information (like your diff output and commentary) are always helpful.
Doing so in a way that is demeaning and insulting to those who are doing
the coding is not the best way to assist them.

	Everyone remember!  Write your messages and replies as if you were
writing to your beloved mother (or grandmother or father; any honored
relative will do).  And for those who aren't fluent in English
(including some of us who claim it as our "mother tongue") please try
your best to use words that are positive and encouraging rather than
ones that are disparaging and possibly insulting.  I recommend Babel
Fish <> if your native language is listed
among it's options.


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