I cannot get the shutdown and reboot options

Terry teaman at exemail.com.au
Fri Nov 24 05:23:13 CET 2006

Anthony Ewell wrote:
> Terry wrote:
>> I've tried amending the "sudoers" file as directed, created a "sudo" 
>> group and added myself to it, all to no avail.  I also amended that file 
>> by giving myself the right to shutdown and reboot.
>> Nothing has worked.  It's a bit ridiculous because I am the only user.
>> I cannot find the secret formula.  What do I do?
> Hi Terry,
>     This is my custom entries in my /etc/sudoers file:
> # XFce stuff
> %users ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper
> # General stuff
> %users  ALL=PASSWD:/usr/sbin/gdmsetup
> %users  ALL=/usr/sbin/kppp
> %users  ALL=/usr/sbin/pppd
> %users  ALL=/usr/sbin/system-config-network
> %users  ALL=/sbin/shutdown
> %users  ALL=/sbin/halt
> %users  ALL=/sbin/reboot
> %users  ALL=/sbin/poweroff
> Paths my vary.  See if your sudoers matches mine.
> Also, make sure you can do a "which"
> (which xfsm-shutdown-helper) on all you files to
> make sure they have the correct paths.
> If this doesn't help, run /usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper
> from the command line and post it to the group along with
> your custom entries from sudoers.
> HTH,
> --Tony

Yes, thanks.  Your wording is similar to that in the forum message.  
I've altered the sudoers file to read as follows:

%terry ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/lib/xfsm-shutdown-helper

The only other uncommented line is:  root    ALL=(ALL) ALL

I'm not sure how relevant the sudoers file is on my system.  PCLinuxOS 
basically uses root rather than sudo.

I just tried running the command with the following result:

[terry at localhost ~]$ /usr/lib/xfsm-shutdown-helper
XFSM_SUDO_DONE [hangs so I press ENTER again, then:]

Oh, the pain.

I get the same result after changing sudoers to %terry 

and: %users ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/lib/xfsm-shutdown-helper

There is no "user alias specification" in sudoers.  The man page is so 
much geekese, so I'm not even sure I need one, let alone understand how 
to format it.


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