cannot launch some applications from within XFCE

nusret nbalci_l at
Wed May 31 02:05:50 CEST 2006

> For a dirty hack (or for something you want to run
> only in Xfce), you
> could look at setting it in ~/.config/xfce4/xinitrc
> (IIRC).  I've done
> this also, when I wanted Xfce to do something that I
> didn't want done
> elsewhere.

I can't see an xinitrc or .xinitrc. Am I assumed to
create one? Or did things changed in XFCE 4.4? If I
need to create one, what's the format of such a file?
A minimal sample would do (with, let's say, PATH
variable set to something...). Could you provide me
with such a sample?


> Hope this helps,
> Andrew

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