OT: Theming custom widgets [was Re: xfdesktop patch (new mcs options for icon labels)]

Andrew Conkling andrew.conkling at gmail.com
Sat May 27 01:52:31 CEST 2006

On 5/26/06, Joe Klemmer <klemmerj at webtrek.com> wrote:
> Two, writing open
> source programs is a very thankless job.  For every person who writes to
> say thank you there's 100 others complaining that it sucks because the
> spelling in the comments is wrong (true story).
>         Now, there are a few people in this list who know me.  They can tell
> you that I'm not an arrogant @$$hole (well, not arrogant at least) but
> sometimes my email can come across that way.  Just remember to use the
> primary rule of email; read every message as if it were sent to you by
> your loving mother.  Voice inflection and facial expressions are missing
> in email so to avoid heartburn and headaches, think of your loving mother.

Hey Mom,
So nice to see you using Xfce!  I thought you weren't really
interested when I was talking about all that geek stuff over the
years.  You're right; writing open-source software can be very
thankless, kind of like motherhood.  I always knew you had such
insightful perspective!

Oh, and hey... could I borrow some money?  I'm a bit short lately, and
could use some extra to float on.  I can pick it up when I'm home this
weekend to do my laundry.

Your ever-giving son

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