OT: Theming custom widgets [was Re: xfdesktop patch (new mcs options for icon labels)]

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Thu May 25 23:47:13 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1

On 5/25/2006 2:31 PM, Andrew Conkling wrote:

> That said, I'm not really complaining.  I think that this kind of
> extra stuff should disappear as soon as our desktops come without
> configuration because they work exactly the way we want them to.   I
> think the whole Xfce team has done a hell of a job, especially this
> time around.  We should all get them beers (and ice cream for Brian).

I know you're not complaining, Andrew, and I'm not directing this
specifically at you.  This is just a convenient email to reply to.

Having said that, I just absolutely love how I go out of my way to
implement a feature people had asked for (that I wasn't originally too
interested in implementing), only for some people to feel the need to
complain about it when it's done.  Jesus, people, give it a rest.  It's
a HIDDEN OPTION for those of you with the ability and need to tinker.
For all intents and purposes to the average user, the option does not
(and, IMO, need not) exist.  Does that put things in perspective?

/me goes off to find someone to make him a Guinness float.


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