How can I disable/change Alt-Tab?

Mişu Moldovan dumol at
Sat May 20 16:05:36 CEST 2006

În data de Sî, 20 mai 06 la 16:29, Olivier Fourdan a scris:
> Mi?u Moldovan wrote:
> > Please, pretty please Olivier, don't hardcode this shortcut. More
> so, please don't hardcode any shortcut... [snip]
> Oh well, ok.

Thank you so much Olivier... I guess I'll give a try to Xfce 4.4 beta1  
in the end. I need to prepare updated Romanian translations for Xfce  
4.4 anyway and I'll somehow put up with using Alt-Tab until your fix  
will make it into a release.

Just a hint: I guess your mail client (Thunderbird) has a preference  
that forces the charset for sent mails to ASCII, that's why my name is  
borked in your reply. Or is it the Enigmail plugin? You could try   
"Always use PGP/MIME" in the Advanced settings of Enigmail, the new  
PGP/MIME standard defined in RFC 3156 is better supported in other mail  
clients and comes with the added benefit that it also signs your  

Enough rambling,

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