Xfce 4.4.Beta Review

Stefan Stuhr xfceuserslist at sstuhr.dk
Wed May 3 16:27:37 CEST 2006

ons, 03 05 2006 kl. 10:21 -0400, skrev Peter Hummers:
> On Wed, 03 May 2006 17:07:23 +0530
> Biju Chacko <botsie at xfce.org> wrote:
> > http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/6448
> > New: Desktop Icons are now Possible
> > 
> > Also new in 4.4 is the long awaited support for icons on the desktop. It's still not drag & drop or right-click > make new icon, but there is preliminary support for icons on the destkop. Uniquely, one can set these icons to either show for minimized applications, file launcher icons, or none at all. 
> Great! Now Xfce's desktop can look like all the Mac desktops at my office with files and crap all over and nobody able to find anything! Another reason to consider going back to wm2 ...

Like if anyone is trying to force you to use desktop icons... Exactly
what part of "or none at all" didn't you understand?


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