Xfce, ubuntu and gnome ...

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at xfce.org
Sat Mar 4 22:12:28 CET 2006

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 14:02:06 -0700
"Jim Bodkikns \(Dakotacom\)" <JimBodkins at yahoo.com> wrote:

> ... dont seem to play well together. I am migrating (ubuntu sarge)
> from gnome to xfce and have lost my desktop background several times
> to that horrible ubuntu brown. The first time I deleted the cache -
> problem fixed. It is now back (as well as an unexplained inability to
> get a right mouse desktop menu). I ran nautilus once, I have no idea
> if or why that would have an effect. I have googlied and oogled. I
> have found other instances of this problem with no clear solution.

By default, Nautilus is the program to manage the Gnome desktop.
Although its name is not "Konqueror", this is what it does: It
conquers the desktop and may even kill running xfdesktop instances.
Luckily, you can disable this using the GConf editor (gconf-editor on
Ubuntu and Debian). Just browse to /apps/nautilus/preferences and
disable the show_desktop property. 

And don't forget to kill and install Thunar afterwards.

>    A note. There is a group working to create an xfce ubuntu
> (xubuntu). As it doesnt appear that xfce, ubuntu and gnome play well
> together, I (and I"m sure some others) would appreciate either a
> clear discription of what is happening or a fix.

If they ship Nautilus, it would be a good idea to disable its
show_desktop setting. Perhaps they are already aware of this - if not
someone should tell them.

- Jannis
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