Noob Part 2: Media automounting ...

Don Christensen djc at
Tue Jun 20 23:37:06 CEST 2006

Eli Crumrine wrote:
> Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at> | Mon, 19 Jun 2006 14:23:16 +0200
>> On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 01:44:17 -0400, Eli Crumrine wrote:
>>> "Bryan J. Smith" <b.j.smith at> | Sun, 18 Jun 2006 19:58:12
>>> -0400
>>>> Okay, now I really see how ignorant I am.  I've really been doing
>>>> too much server stuff and haven't been hacking the 'ole desktop --
>>>> just using GNOME and not caring how it worked.  I've started
>>>> reading up on HAL as well as integration with udev, dbus and the
>>>> various gnome-* components (-mount, -power, -volume-manager,
>>>> etc...).  Damn I've really let me desktop knowledge slip in this
>>>> age of kernel 2.6 and "it just works."
>>>> Anyhoo, I assume my older XFCE 4.2.3 install on Fedora Core 5 is
>>>> not HAL-aware or doesn't have various support agents yet?  If
>>>> that is the case, based on what I read, I should just go ahead
>>>> and create the /etc/fstab** or automount entries as I wish --
>>>> correct?
>>>> Any other insight, RTFM responses (especially if this is
>>>> documented somewhere and I'm just an ignorant fool that didn't
>>>> see this), etc... are always appreciated!
>>> That is correct - no xfce components use hal.  
>> This is wrong. Thunar makes use of HAL to display available devices.
>> It doesn't mount devices automatically, though, you have to click on
>> the devices in the sidepane to mount them and open them in Thunar.
> I apologize, I don't use thunar and didn't think to look into that.
> Will be more careful next time :).

I'm not sure what they did, but the latest Xfce for Ubuntu Dapper
Drake mounts things automatically.  I was pretty happy when I saw
that it just worked.  I had played with gnome-volume-manager in
the past and was never quite sure it would do what I wanted.

It occurs to me in writing this that I might have an entry in
my fstab for the flash card reader I'm using, so maybe that
somehow interacts with the latest Xfce, but I would suspect
that is not the case.


Don Christensen       Senior Software Development Engineer
djc at         Cisco Systems, Santa Cruz, CA
   "It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now."

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