Is it possible to print?

Rainer Fischer raifi at
Fri Jul 28 17:04:45 CEST 2006

Nikolas Arend schrieb:
>>>> Does it start and if not, what is the output (i.e. any error messages, 
>>>> is it crashing with a segmentation fault)?
>>> So it is. Please inform me, when the bug is being fixed.
>> I agree that shouldn't occur, but the best way to report a bug is not
>> putting 2 lines in post on a too long thread and then hope the dev saw
>> it and took note of it. If you wanna be sure it won't be forgotten fill
>> a bug report on
>> I'll try to fix it ASAP anyway
> Rainer, to make fixing more easy, you could run xfprint4 in gdb (a 
> debugger), if you have it installed, and attach the output to the bug 
> report.
> Although your xfprint binary does most likely not contain extra debug 
> information, it may be helpful nonetheless. What you do is (in a terminal)
> $ gdb xfprint4 <ENTER>
> At the next gdb prompt you type
> (gdb) run <ENTER>
> When the program has crashed, type
> (gdb) bt <ENTER>
> and attach that output.

See attachment.
> Nick.
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