xfwm problem?

Vincent Groenewold vincentgroenewold at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 13:54:14 CEST 2006

Hi there,

 That looks a bit odd, every component should install three files in
> /usr/lib/xfce4/mcs-plugins/, one dynamic lib (.so), one static lib (.a)
> and a libtool file (.la), like

Sorry, I was in a hurry for work. The modules all have the .so .a and .la,
the only thing is that there are only a couple.

> Well, is that necessary, just because your xfce installation went wrong?
> You could get the xfce4.2 sources, configure them using the same prefix
> and other configure options as you did before when installing 4.2 (you
> actually don't have to build or install them) and do a clean uninstall
> (make uninstall). Then reinstall xfce4.4 using the installer ;-)

Yep, I was also thinking about the installer. Only thing is that that will
not be via the official Gentoo way, but hey, I'm not doing anything official
anymore now. :)

I'll have a go at it again. Thanks!

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