thunar + mountpoints + sort by name and case

Gerald Barre g.barre at
Mon Jul 10 13:54:32 CEST 2006

Le Sun,  9 Jul 2006 19:46:51 -0300
"nuser" <fakeact at> s'exprimait:

> > Hi everyone,

> > Is it possible to manage mountpoints in thunar just as in rox?
> > In rox I can click on a mountpoint and it will be mounted if its not.
> > Also I can unmount resources that are mounted on mountpoints that are
> > in /etc/fstab

I'm a Rox user too and have the same problem.

> > Is that possible with thunar? What do I have to do to enable ist?
>   I started using it a week ago, it does show my usb pendrive and cdrom when they are inserted/connected (on the side pane). Just having some trouble with my legacy floppy drive, but I guess it's just me.

Same here, I can see my usb pen drive, my cdrom if data CD inserted and my multimedia hard disk (TVIX) when I
power it on. 
> > Also is it possible to ignore case when sorting files/directories by
> > name? Because I find it very disturbing  when HELLO.txt is sorted in
> > before another_filename.txt.

>  Look for  * "MiscCaseSensitive (FALSE/TRUE)"

Did someone noticed that if you ask for viewing hidden files, those files are sorted first, very annoying for

Gerald Barre

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