Thunar/DBUS - floppy support.

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at
Sun Jul 9 00:00:35 CEST 2006

nuser wrote:
> I'm on Etch, removed all hal/dbus packages and reinstalled hal/dbus
> (just dbus 0.62, before there were dbus (0.62) and dbus-1 (0.23)).
> Now usb memory cards and the cdrom work with thunar, just plug and
> use. But the floppy drive worked once, when I browsed /floppy, and
> restarted hal, but just once, now it does nothing. Does thunar has
> floppy support with dbus? If anyone has some other workaround, would
> you please share?

If Thunar is build with support for HAL, it'll display removable devices
reported by HAL. Does hal-device-manager display the floppy?


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