Expand option in tasklist (xfce4-panel, svn)

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Wed Jan 11 20:48:28 CET 2006

Stefan Stuhr schreef:
> ons, 11 01 2006 kl. 20:09 +0100, skrev Jasper Huijsmans:
>> Hmm. Like stefan said, the option makes the taskbar take all
>> available 
>> space, but only if the panel is in full width mode.
>> At least this indicates a problem with the wording. Maybe someone has
>> a 
>> suggestion? At least I could add a tooltip 'Expand when panel is
>> using 
>> the full width of the screen' or something. 
> I think the best solution would be a panel plugin API addition; a way to
> get panel settings for the panel that contains the plugin. Also, a new
> signal would be needed, for notifying plugins about panel setting
> changes, providing the changed setting name and new (and maybe old?)
> value. Alternatively, there could simply be made a way to get the Full
> Width setting, and a signal for changes to the Full Width setting. But I
> like the idea about a more generic way to get - and be notified about
> changes to - panel settings.

Unless there are more cases where this is useful I really don't want to 
expose any more information to the plugins or add yet another signal.

Do you see any other uses for this?

I still much prefer to improve the wording of the option.


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