Gvim window activated by mutt doesn't gain focus

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Tue Jan 10 19:42:04 CET 2006

Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragao wrote:
> Olivier FOURDAN wrote on Jan, 10:
> I was submitting the bug report on gvim and it occurred to me: wouldn't it be 
> a valid feature an xfwm4 config option to ignore the timestamp from 
> NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW and always give focus ? The "rule of least surprise" may be 
> worth abiding to even if that means patronizing misbehaved applications such 
> as gvim. A config option might be a fair compromise.

The thing is that the behaviour may be perfectly valid, especially for 
focus stealing prevention.

To make it simple, if you pass 0 as timestamp, it means current time, 
whatever it may be, but if you pass a valid timestamp, it simply means 
give focus *if* it makes sense, if if the event is not too old. So the 
simple fix would be to gvim to pass 0 as the timestamp. But maybe that 
is not the right fix in all cases for gvim, maybe there are cases where 
the timestamp is useful and required. I do not know.

So, I'd rather stay with what the standard says. Maybe it's its use that 
is not perfect. Maybe it's not even a gvim bug bug a gtk bug (making the 
assumption that you gvim is compiled with the gtk2 gui).

Add options for everything and anything would drives nowhere (most 
people don't even know what the existing options are btw). Better fix 
what is wrong (may it be xfwm4, xfce, gtk+, or even gvim).


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