Gvim window activated by mutt doesn't gain focus

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Mon Jan 9 21:17:47 CET 2006

Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragao wrote:
> You Xfce guys are really quick on the draw ! Thanks, Olivier. You got it, but  
> focus *always* returns to the calling terminal, in this case, unless, of 
> course, a new window is created. I checked fluxbox and gvim gains focus there 
> too. I don't have other window managers installed to check.
> Once again, thanks for the speed-lightning reply

Actually, I'm not sure the problem lies in xfwm4 as it behaves the same 
with metacity.

I also tried with kwin (KDE window manager) and it's also the same.


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