Gvim window activated by mutt doesn't gain focus

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Mon Jan 9 18:53:02 CET 2006


Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragao wrote:
> I use gvim to edit mutt mails by setting editor="gvim --remote-wait", so that  
> a new buffer is created in currently running gvim when I ask to compose a mail 
> in mutt. It works alright but the gvim window doesn't gain focus. It comes to 
> the foreground but the focus remains with the mutt window. The window manager 
> settings have an option to give focus to newly created windows, which is not 
> this case, since no window is created, and another to raise a window when it 
> receives focus, which is precisely the inverse of what I need: to gain focus 
> when it's raised.  I vaguely remember that this worked as I intended with KDE, 
> because I don't recall being bothered by the lack of focus nor to have tweaked 
> any window manager settings, so it seems to be a feasible window manager 
> feature.
> Could anybody give me a hint on how to configure xfce's window manager to 
> accomplish this ?

Seems to work just fine here, what version are you running?


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