Panel launchers won't become bigger than 50x50

Alexander Toresson alexander.toresson at
Fri Feb 24 20:59:56 CET 2006

On 2/24/06, Jasper Huijsmans <jasper at> wrote:
> Alexander Toresson schreef:
> > On xfce from svn, the icons in the launchers won't become bigger than
> > ~50x50. When setting a panel size greater than ~50, the icons will stay
> > at ~50x50 and you get borders around them.
> Hmm, that's probably because you are not using svg icons and the panel
> loads icons at 48x48 and doesn't scale up because that can quickly
> become very ugly.

The icons I'm using are 128x128 png icons. Same thing applies to them?

> >
> > Now you'll probably ask why you'd want that big icons: answer is that
> > I'd want a couple of big launchers in a panel to the left on my screen,
> > and the resolution I'm using is 1680x1050. So the panel size I want is
> > 60-70.
> Wow ;-)

Well, they're for my most used programs, btw. And I've got a lot of horizontal space on this screen.

> >
> > Also, the system buttons don't seem to become bigger at panel sizes
> > greater than 45.
> Same reason I would think.

Ah, ok. Those systems buttons are the stock xfce ones, which are svg, right?

> I am currently working on the launcher icons, so I will try and come up
> with a better solution. You may want to add something to bugzilla, to
> help me remember.

Yes, I'll do that.

Regards, Alexander Toresson

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