Insert in terminal

Erika Meier erika0815 at
Tue Feb 21 03:13:31 CET 2006

On 20.02.2006 18:44:35 Erik Harrison wrote:
>> Imho copy & Paste is completely broken in Linux
>You mean X. I know, I know, I'm being pedantic....

>Middle mouse button is not the same thing as copying to/pasting from
>the clipboard, hence some of your confusion
huh? where exactly is the difference?

>> in some apps you have to use ctrl+c/v to copy&paste and on some apps
>> you can only insert stuff that you copied with ctrl+c
>> and sometimes nothing of the above will work.
>Well, we can't fix applications that aren't written by us. I
>personally notice a lack of standardization in the Windows world -
>some apps accept Shit+Insert for pasting, some apps have a clipboard
>history, some do not...
>As for the Terminal, Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V may be reserved by the shell or by
>the application you are working with, so Terminal has to provide
>alternate shortcuts for these actions, which is why it seems non
>standard. It's not an easy problem - Windows doesn't allow copy and
>paste (at least easily) in the DOS window, and OS X solves it by
>adding an extra meta key.
Why not using the mouse button for everything? I do not get the problem
I guess...

>> The clipman plugin of the xfce panel reveals this and in my opinion
>> this is just awful.
>May I ask what you mean by this?
Sorry for my english...
The problem is that sometimes I can copy&paste from gvim to terminal
and sometimes I cannot. But when I click on the clipman plugin, then
I can select what I want to paste and then - after having it selected - 
paste it correctly.
Same thing from gaim to other gaim windows. I have to mark the text I
want to copy, move my mouse to the clipman plugin, click on the last
entry in its menu, move my mouse back to the gaim window and paste it
where I want it to be. Two hours later everything works fine and just h
alf an hour after everything was fine it is like in the first place.
Its pathetic

There is nothing wrong with the plugin itself, it just reveals the

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