Insert in terminal

Erika Meier erika0815 at
Mon Feb 20 23:35:18 CET 2006

On 20.02.2006 12:27:44 Andrew Conkling wrote:
>On 2/20/06, Jacob Baloul <jbaloul at> wrote:
>> Hi Andrew,
>> I know this...
>> What i am talking about is selected text buffers which are not equal to
>> ctrl-c.
>> e.g
>> if you were to highlight with your mouse or even with shift, lets say in a
>> could use middle click on your mouse to paste the
>> highlighted text anywere you clicked...same thing with ctrl+shift+insert in
>> konsole
>Ah, I see what you mean.  I have no idea about that one and I'm not at
>my system to test it out.  I'm CC'ing this to the Xfce list
>(xfce at to see if anyone has any ideas, so check there for any
>> On 2/20/06, Andrew Conkling <andrew.conkling at> wrote:
>> > On 2/20/06, Jacob Baloul <jbaloul at> wrote:
>> > > Hi,
>> > > I would like to know if possible, how can i get the xfce terminal to
>> paste
>> > > stuff i highlight...
>> > > Such as Shift+insert in eterm, or ctrl+shift+insert in konsole
>> >
>> > Hi Jacob,
>> > You can customize (and view) the shortcuts in the preferences, but
>> > IIRC, the default shortcut for pasting is Ctrl+Shift+V.  (Terminal
>> > uses the Shift modifier to allow standard shortcuts to be used in the
>> > terminal, e.g. Ctrl+C terminates in a terminal, so Ctrl+Shift+C is
>> > used for copying).
>> >
>> > HTH,
>> > Andrew
Imho copy & Paste is completely broken in Linux because every app does
its own thing about this
there are some apps that support the mouse copy&paste using the middle
mouse button
in some apps you have to use ctrl+c/v to copy&paste and on some apps
you can only insert stuff that you copied with ctrl+c
and sometimes nothing of the above will work.
The clipman plugin of the xfce panel reveals this and in my opinion
this is just awful.
Just had to tell everyone about this because this really is annoying am
I the only one who feels about this like that? Are there guidelines for

my 2 ¢


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