XFCE Hangs

John Lee johnleemk at gawab.com
Mon Feb 13 08:54:32 CET 2006

roger wrote:

>Hi John,
>Your X conf. file reads that your driver is "nv" (generic/opensource). 
>However, your issue sounds like the nvidia bug.
>I would suggest that you try "lsmod | grep nv", which should tell which driver 
>is used.
>If it says "nv", sorry I'm at lost... Otherwise (nvidia), it's likely that the 
>X conf file used is not the one you think it is...
>What sounds odd to me is that you can run KDE without problems. A faulty 
>driver should generate the same problems, whatever window manager you use!?
>In addition, I had in the past similar symptoms, except that no window 
>managers was spared.
>It was due to faulty hardware, the video card, which didn't prevent me to 
>compile kernels, though.
>Good luck,
Running "lsmod | grep nv" as root turns up nothing. Without the grep 
command piped, however, the output consisted mostly of various sound 
modules, except for the following three:
via_velocity           31712  0
crc_ccitt               1728  1 via_velocity
crc32                   3904  1 via_velocity

Any thoughts?


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