"hot key" for Run Dialog ?

Andrew Conkling andrew.conkling at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 23:52:46 CET 2006

On 2/8/06, stu seven <stuseven at hotmail.com> wrote:
>      Hi XFCE4 !

The mouse says hello.

>      Im seeing a default hotkey for the Run Dialog, in the
> latest version of xcfe4... however, with my version, which
> comes with Debian Sarge, this feature evidently hadn't been
> completed yet, and there is a blank in the documentation
> where the specific key should be written(!)...
>    ...so, my question is - how could I add a hotkey for this
> Run Dialog in my 2005 release of Debian ?
>      I have looked at the Window manager and the
> shortcut menu... but Im unsure as to how  "Run Dialog"
> should be specified with any given key combination.

I'm not in front of Xfce at the moment (I'm at work).  But in 4.2,
there is a section at the bottom for application shortcuts (you can
add some here, very handy).  xfrun4 is here, bound to Alt+F2 by
default.  I've actually swapped mine out for gmrun, mostly to test
something different, but you can also change the keybinding here.

I'm not sure what Debian Sarge has, but I don't remember this changing
dramatically from 4.0, if that's what you're on.



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