ANNOUNCE: Verve 0.1.0 - A panel command line plugin

Jannis jannis at
Tue Feb 7 02:57:06 CET 2006

Hi all,

if you've ever wanted to have command auto-completion in the
command line plugin, you'll probably like to hear that this is what
you can get now. I've written a new command line plugin implementation
for the panel (new framework, so SVN-only) which provides you with
exactly this:

  * auto-completion of commands in $PATH (TAB key)
  * command history browsing just like in minicmd (UP/DOWN arrows)
  * URL opening in your favourite browser (requires exo-open and is
    not yet optional; thus, you need a very recent checkout of
    libexo from SVN)
  * opening of your favourite eMail program with the compose window
    opened, once you execute an eMail address in Verve

And there's still more to come.

I've been added to the Xfce Goodies project on BerliOS and
uploaded the version 0.1.0 tarball there. You can get it from here:

Please file bug reports, feature requests and the like on BerliOS
or xfce-goodies-dev at Thanks!

BTW, I still need translators for it, but I'm not sure where to
ask for them - xfce-i18n at or xfce-goodies-dev at

Hope you'll enjoy it.


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