XFCE colors

Pierre Thibault pthibault33 at yahoo.ca
Sun Aug 13 20:39:02 CEST 2006

Stavros Giannouris a écrit :
> Στις Sun, 13 Aug 2006 05:38:11 -0400
> Ο/Η Pierre Thibault <pthibault33 at yahoo.ca> έγραψε:
>> Hello,
>> I made an install of AfterStep on my XFCE install and when I removed 
>> AfterStep, the colors of my menus has changed. How can I put back the 
>> colors just as before? I played with the system settings and I am not 
>> able to fix it. What should I do? Where are these colors defined?
> Remove or rename your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file and see if it helps.
OK, The problem is now gone! Thank you. :-)




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