Windows XP XFCE

Jean-François Wauthy pollux at
Fri Aug 11 16:28:43 CEST 2006

Le vendredi 11 août 2006 à 07:13 -0700, Craig A. Betts a écrit :
> > Something like this ????
> > You can even change the XFCE 'Start' icon. I didn't start the systray
> > plugin, and you'll probably notice that the screenshot has the XNest
> > window border around it ;-)

> Dude!  I didn't know the taskbar could be manipulated like that.  Would 
> you mind sharing your config?  I am guessing it all should be contained 
> in ~/.config/xfce4 (xfwm4 and panel).  I am most interested in what you 
> did to the panel configuration.

You need xfce 4.4beta{1,2} or SVN to be able to do that

Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at>
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