Xfwm4 not showing window borders when maximized - great !

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 10:43:59 CEST 2006

Mon, 07 Aug 2006 10:24:46 +0200 - Landry <landry at fr.homeunix.org>
wrote :

> Hi list.
> I've just noticed that, running current svn, Xfwm4 doesn't show
> anymore window borders when windows are maximized. I didn't noticed
> this before, window borders were shown, and a little space on the
> border of the screen was lost with certain apps like terminal. Now,
> no space is lost, and it's _great_. I really prefer this behaviour :)
> Is it a new feature recently added in svn ? if so, which commit ?
> Was it already here, and i was too dumb to find the good
> configuration key ?
> Landry


 http://massonnet.org/ Mike Massonnet (mmassonnet)           ,-.
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