Xfce build order for SVN

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Sat Aug 5 13:34:38 CEST 2006

Nick Schermer wrote:
>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>is the build order for SVN from Xfce's documentation still up to
>>>>>date? http://www.xfce.org/index.php?page=documentation&lang=en
>>>>>Thank you in advance for the kind answer.
>>>>Slightly outdated. xfce4-panel should be build before Thunar,
>>>>otherwise you won't get the trash applet.
>>Nick, may I suggest modifying the list, where it says libexo,
>>put 'exo' instead? The package is called exo, not libexo...
>>Just a minor thing,,,
> Benny? What do you prefer? Since the package is called libexo in
> svn...

We should use the package name. Besides that, it also contains utilities.

> Nick


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